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  3. Searching PAD Using Keywords

Searching PAD Using Keywords

The IP.com Prior Art Database (PAD) offers a comprehensive Keyword Search feature that allows you to find publications using specific terms and Boolean syntax. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to effectively utilize the Keyword Search, including tips for entering search terms, setting date ranges, and filtering results. Additionally, it explains how to navigate and interact with the search results, ensuring you can make the most of the PAD’s capabilities. To learn more about the features and benefits of defensive publishing, click here.

Defensive Publishing Prior Art Database (PAD)

For a Keyword Search, enter a publication number, word, or phrase using optional Boolean syntax. The search will include the title, abstract, and primary document. Optionally, you can specify a date range and select a publishing source for your Prior Art Data search.

1 To search documents by using the keyword search facility, select Keyword Search from the Type of Search drop-down.

2 To start a search, enter keywords using the available Boolean syntax and other functions. You can specify search fields such as Title, Abstract, Copyright, Related_People, Related Documents, Original_Date, Pub_Country, and Pub_Language as a Keyword search. For further information on using Boolean logic, view our Keyword Search Guide, Prior Art Database Keyword Search Guide.

3 To search for documents within a specific date range, expand Advanced Search. From the Dates drop-down, select either IP.com Publication Date or Original Publication Date, and then select Date Range to enter the From and To dates or select from the list of Quick Dates.

4 To limit the publishing source, expand Advanced Search and from the Publishing Source dropdown, select from the list of sources.

5 To limit your results to documents which report including chemical structures, check the Required field below Chemical Structures.

PAD Search 8 v2.4

Use the Results

After clicking Search, the results display. For more information on displaying the results, previewing publications, downloading publications, and other features, click on the link Searching the Prior Art Database.

Note: If your Keyword Search matches too many words, an error message displays. You will need to narrow your wildcard search to get results, or you can run a Concept Search. Introduction to Defensive Publishing and the Prior Art Database (PAD)
Prior Art Database Features and Benefits
Navigate Using the Sidebar
Searching the Prior Art Database (PAD)
Searching PAD Using Keywords
Searching PAD Using Concepts
Downloading Publications from the Prior Art Database (PAD)
Using Search History in PAD
Publishing Disclosures to the Prior Art Database (PAD)
The IP.com Journal – Contents, Availability, and Distribution
Purchasing Defensive Publishing Vouchers
How to Publish a Disclosure
Registering an IP.com Account and Accessing Solutions
Updating your Account Information
Last Updated: November 24, 2024
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