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Privacy and Security

The following FAQs are a subset of the InnovationQ+ Subscription FAQs. Click here for the full list.

What is IP.com’s privacy policy?
At IP.com, we respect your privacy. We want to ensure that you get the information, content, and experiences that matter most to you. IP.com is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers, partners, and other contacts. To read the full policy, click https://ip.com/privacy-policy/.
How do I request my data?
  • To access your account information, click the account menu located in the upper right corner, and select My Account.
  • To request data, click the Contact Us tab and select Request My Data located on the lower-right corner of the page.
  • Next, the Request My Data window displays. You can request personal identifying information (PII) or a full activity report with optional start and end dates. An email is automatically sent to you with the attachments for downloading the files. For the manual full report, an email will be sent to you once processing is complete.  Select the file format, either CSV or XLSX, and click Submit.

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How do I delete my account?

To delete your account and erase your IP.com data, submit a request here. Our Customer Support team responds to most messages within one business day.

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